L homme du large 1920, Л’Эрбье, Марсель

L homme du large 1920

A revision of the genus Apenesia in the Americas Hymenoptera, Bethylidae. Si besoin est, faites comprendre au Commandant. Michaelsen ed. Vedecke Prace 4:

The biological control of the blackheaded caterpillar of coconut Nephantis serinopa M. A checklist of parasites, the hyperparasites, predators and pathogens of the coconut leaf caterpillar Nephantis serinopa Meyrick, recorded in Ceylon and in India and their distribution in these countries.

Ceylon Coconut Quart. Biological control of coconut leaf caterpillar Nephantis serinopa Meyrick in Ceylon. Sri Lanka Coconut Res. Factors affecting the realisation of the biotic potential in Perisierola nephantidis Muesebeck and Trichospilus pupivora Ferriere, parasites of the coconut leaf caterpillar, Nephantis serinopa Meyrick.

Diss, A. Accidents provoques en France pa un insecte piqueur " Scleroderma domestica. Divakar, B. A new record of parasitism of Parasierola sp. Hymenoptera: Bethylidae on Heliothis armigera Hubn.

Natural enemies of Heliothis armigera Hubn. Plant Prot. Dodd, A. Australian Hymenoptera: Proctotrypoidea. South Australia Trans.

Л'Эрбье Марсель — Мегаэнциклопедия Кирилла и Мефодия — статья

Chalcidoidea and Proctotrupoidea from Lord Howe and Norfolk Islands, with descriptions of new genera and species. Dohanian, S. Parasites of the filbert worm. Dominik, J. Badania nad rozwojem Sclerodermus domesticus Koug. Bethylidae, Hym. Folia Forestalla Polonica, Ser. Donisthrope, H. The Guests of British Ants. Their Habits and Life-Histories.

Doutt, R. Maternal care of immature progeny by parasitoids. Duchaussoy, A. Bull 7 5 : Agrique du Nord. Durrant, J. Insects associated with grain, etc. Grain Pests War Comm. Ebner, R. Ebner mit Unterstutzung der Akademie der Wissenscahften in Wien. Wien, Mathem. Klasse 1 : Edney, E. Part IV: Tetrachrysis Licht. Part V: Pentachrysis Licht. New species and records of Chrysididae from southern Africa. Enderlein, G. Braconidae, Proctotrypidae, und Evaniidae Hym.

Calyoza sumatrana , eine neue Proctotrupidae aus Sumatra. Anzelger Calyozella , eine neue Proctotrupidengattung. Anzieger Essig, E. A small insect which stings severely. Science 75 : The stinging Epyris. Science 76 : Evans, H. Evans, D. The coffee berry borer in Kenya. Kenya Coffee 30 : Brooklyn Ent. A new species of Cephalonomia exhibiting an unusually complex polymorphism Hymenoptera, Bethylidae.

Psyche 70 3 : A revision of the genus Apenesia in the Americas Hymenoptera, Bethylidae. A revision of the genus Pristocera in the Americas Hymenoptera, Bethylidae. A new family of wasps.

A synopsis of the American Bethylidae Hymenoptera, Aculeata. A revision of the genus Rhabdepyris in the Americas Hymenoptera, Bethylidae. Discovery of the female Plumarius Hymenoptera, Plumariidae. Further studies on Neotropical Epyrini Hymenoptera, Bethylidae. Psyche 72 4 : Further studies on Neotropical Pristocerinae Hymenoptera, Bethylidae. Acta Hymenop. A revision of the genus Anisepyris Kieffer Hymenoptera, Bethylidae. Studia Ent. New generic records of Bethylidae from South America Hymenoptera.

Notes on Mexican and southwestern U. Bethylidae Hymenoptera : Part I, Pristocerinae. News 78 1 : Bethylidae Hymenoptera : Part II. News 78 4 : Papels Avisos de Zool.

Sao Paulo 22 11 : Three new Cretaceous aculeate wasps Hymenoptera. Psyche 76 3 : Acta Zool. Lilloana 25 5 : Brevoria Smithsonian Contrib.

West Indian wasps of the subfamily Pristocerinae Hymenoptera: Bethylidae. Phoretic copulation in Hymenoptera. News 80 5 : A revision of the genus Epyris in the Americas Hymenoptera: Bethylidae. Cretaceous aculeate wasps from Taimyr, Siberia Hymenoptera. Psyche 80 3 : Further studies on South American Bethylidae Hymenoptera. A further look at the genus Prorops Hymenoptera, Bethylidae. A revision of the genus Holepyris in the Americas Hymenoptera: Bethylidae.

News 88 : The Bethylidae of America North of Mexico. New Neotropical Calyozina, with key to species Hymenoptera: Bethylidae. Additions to knowledge of the bethylid fauna of Hispaniola Hymenoptera: Bethylidae. A reconsideration of the genus Bakeriella Hymenoptera: Bethylidae. Insect Biology. Addison-Wesley Publ. Observations on natural enemies of western spruce budworm Choristoneura occidentalis Freeman Lepidoptera, Tortricidae in the Rocky Mountain area.

Great Basin Naturalist 47 2 : Immature Insects. Kugler, and W. Brown, Jr. Rediscovery of Scolebythus madecassus, with a description of the male and of the female sting apparatus Hymenoptera: Scolebythidae. Fabricius, J. Systema Piezatorum. Brunsvigae, Relchard. Fahringer, J. Festschrift 60 Geburtstag Embrik Strand. Ferro, D. Changes in the population dynamics of the codling moth, Laspeyresia pomonella , after release from insecticide pressures. Farrugia, D. Ferrier, C. Wien, Mathe. Klasse : Ferton, C.

Fink, D. Biology and habits of the strawberry leaf roller, Ancylis comptana Froel. Finlayson, L. Host preference of Cephalonomia watersoni Gahan, a bethylid parasitoid of Laemophloeus species. Behaviour 2 4 : The biology of Cephalonomia waterstoni Gahan Hym. Host selection by Cephalonomia waterstoni Gahan Hym. Fitton, M. A Check List of British Insects. Completely Revised. Part 4: Hymenoptera. Handbooks for Identification of British Inssects 9 4 : Fletcher, T.

Cotton bollworms in India. Fonseca, J. Pinto da. O repasse consiste numa catacao rigorosa dos frutos existentes nas arvores e no chao depois da colheita. Folheto Inst. Processo para a multiplicao da "Vespa de Uganda" em viveiros. A "broca" e o sombreamento dos cafezais.

Prorops nausuta Watrst. Eine Centurie neuer Hymenopteren. Dritte Dekade. Eine Centurie neuer Hymenopteren, beschrieben von Arn. Vierte und Funfte Dekade. Aachen, Ernst ter Meer Vol. Eine Centurie neuer Hymenoptera. Ford, L. El barrenador de los brotes del pino. Turrialba 36 2 : Fouts, R. Some new parasites, with remarks on the genus Platygaster Hymenoptera. Descriptions of three new Hymenoptera from the Philippine Islands.

Philippine J. Notes on Serphoidea with descriptions of new species Hymenoptera. Descriptions of new Nearctic Serphoidea Hymenoptera. New bethylid and serphoid parasites from Borneo and the Philippine Islands. Report on a small collection of parasitic Hymenoptera from Italian Somaliland.

Check list of the Serphoidea, Bethylidae and Anteonidae of Oceania. Bernice P. Bishop Mus. Papers 11 New serphoid, bethylid and anteonid wasps from the Marquesas and Society Islands.

Description of a new species of Goniozus from Oregon. Frennet, M. Assemblee Mensuelle du 1er Octobre Fuchs, H. Urticaria papulosa durch Stiche von Scleroderma domestica. Dermatologica : Fullaway, D. Report on a collection of Hymenoptera made in Guam, Marianne Islands. New species of Sierola with explanatory notes. Bernice Pauahl Bish. Papers 7 7 : New species and varieties of Sierola from the Marquesas. Funasaki, G. Nakahara, J. A review of biological control introductions in Hawaii: Gahan, A.

Synonymical and descriptive notes on parasitic Hymenoptera. On certain hymenopterous parasites of stored-grain insects. Lectotypes of the species of Hymenoptera except Apoidea described by Abbe Provancher. Gauld, I. Bolton eds. The Hymenoptera. British Mus. Gallard, L. Notes on Goniozus antipodum. The Australian Nat. Garman, P.

Work with oriental fruit moth parasites. Oriental fruit moth parasite work, Report on parasites of the oriental fruit moth, p. In : Conn. Garthwaite, P. Annual report on working plans, silviculture and entomology in Burma for the year Entomological research. A- Pests of Teak. Burma For. British Museum Natural History. Oxford University Press, Oxford, England. Geldern, C. Systemic effects following the sting of a species of Epyris.

Science 65 : George, S. Some aspects of the reproductive biology of Goniozus sp. Hymenoptera: Bethylidae , an external parasite of the mango leaf-webber, Lamida moncusalis Walker. Seminar Ent. George, T. Note on the natural parasitism of Nephantidis serinopa Meyrick. Current Res. Giard, A. Gifford, J. Goniozus indicus as a parasite of the sugarcane borer. Giraud, J. Verhandlungen Zool. Joseph-Etienne Giraud, membre Honoraire.

Girling, D. Investigations on the natural enemies of lepidopterous stemborers of graminaceous crops in East Africa for Uganda. Parasierola sp. Glick, P. The distribution of insects, spiders and mites in the air.

Godwin, P. The life history of the white-pine cone beetle, Conophthorus coniperda. Goertzen, R. The ovicidal propensity of Goniozus. Goidanich, A. I rapporti fitopathologici dei Coleotteri scolitidi con gli altri parassiti delle piante legnose e con le conditioni di vegetazione di queste. Bologna Boll. Gordh, G. Some evolutionary trends in the Chalcidoidea Hymenoptera with particular reference to host preference.

Goniozus gallicola Fouts, a parasite of moth larvae, with notes on other bethylids Hymenoptera: Bethylidae; Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae. Biosystematics of natural enemies. Ridgeway and S.

Vinson eds. Plenum Press, New York. Catalog of Hymenoptera in America north of Mexico. Smithsonian Inst. Press, Vol. I, pp. The phenomenon of insect hyperparasitism and its taxonomic occurrence in the Insecta. University of Calif. Taxonomic recommendations concerning new species important to biological control. A new species of Goniozus Hymenoptera: Bethylidae imported into California for the biological control of the navel orangeworm Lepidoptera: Pyralidae [should be Phycitidae].

News 93 5 : Goniozus pakmanus Hymenoptera: Bethylidae , a new species imported into California for the biological control of pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella Saunders Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae. News 95 5 : A new species of Goniozus from India and taxonomic notes on related species Hymenoptera: Bethylidae.

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A new species of Goniozus imported into California from Ethiopia for the biological control of pink bollworm and some notes on the taxonomic status of Parasierola and Goniozus Hymenoptera: Bethylidae. A critical point drier used as a method of mounting insects from alcohol. News Uropoda sp. Pan-Pacific Entomol. Goniozus emigratus Rohwer , a primary external parasite of Paramyelois transitella Walker , and comments on bethylids attacking Lepidoptera Hymenoptera: bethylidae; Lepidoptera: Pyralidae.

Chapter 9, "Parasites and parasitism. University of California Press in press. Biological notes on Goniozus pakmanus Gordh Hymenoptera: Bethylidae , a parasite of pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella Saunders Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae. A catalog of the world Bethylidae. Amer Ent. A catalog of the world Bethylidae Hymenoptera: Aculeata. Biological studies on Goniozus legneri Gordh Hymenoptera: Bethylidae a primary external parasite of the navel orangeworm, Amyelois transitella Walker and pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella Saunders Lepidoptera, Pyralidae, Gelechiidae.

Gothilf, S. Natural enemies of the carob moth Ectomyelois ceratoniae Zeller. Entomophaga 14 3 : Release and recovery of imported parasites of the carob moth, Spectobates ceratoniae Lepidoptera: Pyralidae in Israel. Israel J. Graham, M. Madeira insects, mainly Hymenoptera Proctotrupoidea, Ceraphronoidea, and Bethyloidea.

Grandi, G. Nota su un betilide del gen Cephalonomia Westw. Bologna Bol. Sugli uriti degli adulti del gen. Cephalonomia Westw.

Bethyloidea, Chrysidoidea

Contributi alla conoscenza degli Imenotteri Aculeati. Green, R. Precise sex ratios in highly inbred parasitic wasps. Greve, V. Papua New Guinea Agr. Griffiths, N. Local mate competition, sex ratio and clutch size in bethylid wasps. Guajardo, H. Guiglia, D. Un nuovo genere della famiglia Bethylidae che attacca l-uomo. Ulteriori osservazioni sulla puntura dello Scleroderma domesticum Latreille Hymenopt.

Genoa Mus. Storia Nat. Glacomo Doria Ann. Orussidae, p. In : Hymenopterorum Catalogus nova editio. The Hague, Neth. Gunasena, G. Parasites of hickory shuckworm and pecan nut casebearer with five new host-parasite records. Gussakovskij, V. Eine neue Art der Gattung Cephalonomia Westw. Hymenoptera, Bethylidae.

Haeussler, G. Parasites of the oriental fruit moth in Japan and Chosen and their introduction into the United States. Haliday, A. Notes on the Bethyli and on Dryinus pedestris.

Note on the genus Epyris. Hall, D. A parasite Pristocera armifera Say on the wireworm Melanotus communis Gyll. Florida Ent. Hamada, H. The injurious insect and natural enemy of bamboo material.

L'Homme du Président Téléfilm 2000

Fiji Bamboo Garden 8: Hamm, A. Notes on the life-history of a bethylid of the genus Cephalonomia Westwood, observed at Oxford.

London Hargreaves, H. Notes on the coffee berry-borer Stephanoderes hampei , Ferr. Harant, H. Harris, K. Lepidopterous stem borers of cereals in Nigeria. Harris, W. Report of the Assistant Entomologist, Tanganyika Dept. Harukawa, C. Insect pests of stored rice and their prevention and control.

l'Herbier - L'homme du large (1920)

Bochu Kagaku 5: Hawkins, C. The insects of Norfolk Island, including a preliminary report on a recent collection. Hawkins, B. Bibliography of the world literature of the Bethylidae Hymenoptera: Bethyloidea. Insecta Mundi 1 4 : Hayes, W. Another host of Pristocera armifera Say Hymenoptera, Bethylidae. Hedqvist, K. Notes on Embolemidae and Bethylidae in Sweden with description of a new genus and species Hym. Heikinheimo, O. Dicondylus lindbergi sp. Heim de Balsac, H. Ecologie de Pedinomma rufescens Westwood; sa presence dans les nids des micromammiferes Hym.

Hekal, A. Percentage of parasitism and sex ratio in different parasites of the diapausing larvae of Pectinophora gossypiella Saund. Hellen, W. Zur Kenntnis der Bethyliden und Dryiniden Finlands. Notulae Ent. Inventa entomologica itineris Hispanici et Maroccani, quod a.

Dryinidae et Bethylidae. Sclentiarum Fennica. Commentationes Biologicae. III, Helson, G. Investigations in the Goulburn Valley, Victoria. Progress Report for the Seasons Australia, Pamph.

Hemming, F. Opinion Hempel, A. Minas Gerals 6: Sao Paulo. Folheto A Prorops nasuta Waterson no Brasil. Sao Paulo Arch. Herrich-Schaeffer, G. Nomenclator Entomologicus. Verzeichniss der europaischen Insecten; zur Erleichterung des Tauschverkehrs mit Preisen versehen.

All About That Bass - Postmodern Jukebox European Tour Version

Coleoptra, Orthoptera, Dermaptera und Hymenoptera. Heft 2. Hinton, H. Common insect pests of stored food products. Hirashima, Y. Hoffer, A. Epyris bayeri n. Private Printing, Brno. Rod Mesitius Thoms. Genus Mesitius Thoms. Nouvelle Bethylidae Hym. Festschrift Professor Dr. Embrik Strand. Hope, F. Description of various new species of insects found in gum anime.

Hopkins, A. Preliminary report on the insect enemeis of the forests of the northwest.

Коллекции фильмов

Hori, Y. Bethylids occurring in the houses. Nature Study 26 7 : Howard, L. Hubbvard, Insects Affecting the Orange.

A generic synopsis of the hymenopterous family Proctotrupidae. The Insect Book. Howard, R. Larval trails of Cryptolestes ferrugineus Coleoptera: Cucujidae as kairomonal host-finding cues for the parasitoid Cephalonomia waterstoni Hymenoptera: BEthylidae. Hutson, J. Report of the work of the entomological division. Ceylon Admin. Hyslop, J. Pristocera armifera Say parasitic on Limonius agonus Say.

Ido, N. Studies on bethylids. Life cycle of Sclerodermus sp. Wokayama Forest Expt. Itoh, H. Habits of Cephalonomia gallicola Ashmead Hymenoptera, Bethylidae. Ito, S. On some cases of dermatitis caused by Eilema fuscodorsalis and Sclerodermus sp. Iwata, K. Natural enemies of Anthrenus verbaci Linnaeus. Kontyu Comparative studies on the habits of solitary wasps. Biology of Goniozus japonicus Ashmead, a parasite of the persimon leaf-roller, Dichocrocis chlorophanta Butler.

Kagawa Agr. The comparative anatomy of the ovary in Hymenoptera. Mushi 29 4 : Further biological observations on Goniozus japonicus Ashmead Hymenoptera: Bethylidae. Mushi 35 13 : Miscellaneous biological notes on aculeate Hymenoptera in Kagawa in the years and Shikoku Ent. Biological observations of 53 species of the superfamilies, Chalcidoidea and Proctotrupoidea, from Japan Hymenoptera: Apocrita. Jacquemin, P. Premier cas de piqure par Scleroderma unicolor Westwood. Un cas de piqures par Scleroderma domestica Lat.

James, M. Macmillan Co. Jansson, A. Opuscula Ent. Janvier, H. Etude biologique de quelques hymenopteres du Chile. Jayaratnam, T. A study of the control of the coconut caterpillar Nephantis serinopa Meyr. Ceylon 96 : Joshi, R. Judd, W. News 71 4 : Jurine, L. Kalra, A. Neomarasmia suspicalis Wkr. Kalyanam, N. Studies on the gall insect Dactylethra candida Meyrick Gelechiidae and its parasites. India 12 1 : Kapadia, M. Occurrence and distribution of different parasites of Opisina arenosella Walker under Mahuva conditions of Gujarat.

Gujarat Agr. Biology of Parasierola nephantidis Muesebeck and its importance in the control of Opisina arenosella Walker under Mahuva Gujarat State conditions. Kasparyan, D. The functional aspect of evolution of the sting in the Hymenoptera. Kawashima, J.

Eye injury caused by the sting of Sclerodermus nipponicus I. Ophthalmology 53 9 : Kearns, C. A hymenopterous parasite Cephalonomia gallicola Ashm.

Method of wing inheritance in Cephalonomia gallicola Ashmead. Keeler, C. Thelytoky in Scleroderma immigrans. Critical data upon thelytoky in Scleroderma immigrans. Kelner-Pillault, S. Khan, M.

Importance of larval parasites in the control of Stomopteryx subsecivella Zeller. Maharashtra Agr. Kieffer, J. Beschreibung neuer Proctotrypiden und Evaniiden. Arkiv for Zoologl. Description de nouveaux Dryininae et Bethylinae. Genova Ser 3, 1 41 : Chilena Hist. Civico Storia Nat. Genova Ser 3, 2 42 : Description de nouveaux Proctotrypides exotiques avec une planche et und figure dans le ltexte.

Metz Bull. Hermann, Paris 9: Beschreibung neuer Proctotrypiden aus Nord und Zentralamerika. Berliner Ent. Beschreibung neuer im British Museum zu London aufbewahrter Proctotrypiden. Beschreibung neuer Proctotrypiden aus Java. Fascicule Wytsman, Genera Insectorum Description de quelques nouveaux serphides. Ser 3, Revista Internzaionale de Cecidologia 7: Serphiden und Cynipiden von Madagaskar.

In : Reise in Ostafrika in den Jahren Description de nouveaux Bethylides Hymen. Nyt Magazin von Naturvldenskaberne Hymenoptera, Proctotrupoidea. Zentral-Afrika Exped. Scuola Sup. Portici Boll. Proctotrupidae, Cynipidae et Evaniidae. In : Voyage de Ch. Alluaud et R. Jeannel en Afrique Orientale Albert Schulz Paris. Serphides des iles Philippines. Insecta 3 31 : Insecta 3 32 : D, 9 3 : Das Tierreich Friedlander u.

Sohn, Berlin. Michaelsen ed. Saigon 3 5 : Agrentina Ann. Nouveaux Bethylides du Soudan Egyptien. Bruxulles Ann. Philippine Serphidae Proctotrupidae. Hymenoptera D. Denkschriften Akad. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse Proctotrupidse de la Sierra-Morena Hymen.

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Вымышленные персонажи. Film Directors. Обсуди типы личностей любимых персонажей и знаменитостей. Био Jean de Limur Жан де Лимур был известным французским актером и режиссером, который имел плодотворную карьеру в развлекательной индустрии Франции в течение го века.

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